I read a grand total of 94 books in 2013, so this choice was crazy difficult! These are in no particular order.
Top 13 Books of 2013
1. Code Name Verity
2. Eleanor & Park
3. Ready Player One
4. Fahrenheit 451
5. The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of her Own Making
6. Dr. Birds Advice for Sad Poets
7. Wintergirls
8. The Feast of Love
9. Unravel Me
10. If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things
11. After You'd Gone
12. Lola and the Boy Next Door
13. The Madness Underneath
Honourable Mention to: The History of Love and the Bell Jar. Sorry Guys, you came so close.
Bout of books is a week long, low pressure read-a-thon, in which the reader picks a goal for them-self, be it number of pages, books etc. Its a great way to push yourself to read more than you normally would in a week, and you can also compete in mini challenges each day!
For Bout of Books 9.0 I will be trying to read four books between the 6th and the 12th!
1. Two Boys Kissing, David Levithan (196 pgs.)
2. High Fidelity, Nick Hornby (323 pgs.)
3. The Madman's Daughter, Megan Shepherd (420)
4. Unwind, Neal Shusterman (335)
side-note: I have a parcel of books coming in the mail from Chapters, so I may make a switch to this list when it arrives! In particular, a switch to The Martian Chronicles (241 pgs)
1. Out of Print Clothing 2. Banned Books Mug
3. Library Card Phone Case 4. Suitcase Book Tags 5. Library Quote Sweater
6. Book Pajama Pants 7. Mini Book Necklaces